100% Correct AHIP AHM-530 Practice Question Online

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Question 1
- (Topic 1)
Dr. Janet Dubois is a radiologist who practices exclusively at the Rightway Healthcare Center. This information indicates that Dr. Dubois is employed by Rightway as
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 2
- (Topic 2)
The following statements describe two types of HMOs:
The Elm HMO requires its members to select a PCP but allows the members to go to any other provider on its panel without a referral from the PCP.
The Treble HMO does not require its members to select a PCP. Treble allows its members to go to any doctor, healthcare professional, or facility that is on its panel without a referral from a primary care doctor. However, care outside of Treble's network is not reimbursed unless the provider obtains advance approval from the HMO.
Both HMOs use delegation to transfer certain functions to other organizations. Following the guidelines established by the NCQA, Elm delegated its credentialing activities to the Newnan Group, and the agreement between Elm and Newnan lists the responsibilities of both parties under the agreement. Treble delegated utilization management (UM) to an
IPA. The IPA then transferred the authority for case management to the Quest Group, an organization that specializes in case management.
Both HMOs also offer pharmacy benefits. Elm calculates its drug costs according to a pricing system that requires establishing a purchasing profile for each pharmacy and basing reimbursement on the profile. Treble and the Manor Pharmaceutical Group have an arrangement that requires the use of a typical maximum allowable cost (MAC) pricing system to calculate generic drug costs under Treble's pharmacy program. The following statements describe generic drugs prescribed for Treble plan members who are covered by Treble's pharmacy benefits:
The MAC list for Drug A specifies a cost of 12 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 14 cents per tablet for this drug.
The MAC list for Drug B specifies a cost of 7 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 5 cents per tablet for this drug.
To calculate its drug costs, Elm uses a pricing system known as:
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
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Question 3
- (Topic 1)
The method that the Autumn Health Plan uses for reimbursing dermatologists in its provider network involves paying them out of a fixed pool of funds that is actuarially determined for this specialty. The amount of funds that Autumn allocates to dermatologists is based on utilization and costs of services for that discipline.
Under this reimbursement method, a dermatologist who is under contract to Autumn accumulates one point for each new referral made to the specialist by Autumn’s PCPs. If the referral is classified as complicated, then the dermatologist receives 1.5 points. The value of Autumn’s dermatology services fund for the first quarter was $15,000. During the quarter, Autumn’s PCPs made 90 referrals, and 20 of these referrals were classified as complicated.
In determining the first quarter payment to dermatologists, Autumn would accurately calculate the value of each referral point to be
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 4
- (Topic 2)
The provider contract that Dr. Bijay Patel has with the Arbor Health Plan includes a no- balance-billing clause. The purpose of this clause is to:
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Reference answer: D
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Question 5
- (Topic 1)
One type of fee schedule payment system assigns a weighted unit value for each medical procedure or service based on the cost and intensity of that service. Under this system, the unit values for procedural services are generally higher than the unit values for cognitive services. This system is known as a
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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Question 6
- (Topic 2)
One true statement about the responsibilities of providers under typical provider contracts is that most provider contracts:
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Reference answer: B
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Question 7
- (Topic 1)
Jay Mercer is covered under his health plan’s vision care plan, which includes coverage for clinical eye care but not for routine eye care. Recently, Mr. Mercer had a general eye examination and got a prescription for corrective lenses. Mr. Mercer’s vision care plan will cover.
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 8
- (Topic 1)
After HIPAA was enacted, Congress amended the law to include the Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA) of 1996, a federal requirement relating to mental health benefits. One true statement about the MHPA is that it
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 9
- (Topic 1)
Some states have enacted any willing provider laws. From the perspective of the health plan industry, one drawback of any willing provider laws is that they often result in a reduction of a plan’s
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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Question 10
- (Topic 1)
The Gladspell HMO has contracted with the Ellysium Hospital to provide subacute care to its plan members. Gladspell pays Ellysium by using a per diem reimbursement method.
The per diem reimbursement method will require Gladspell to pay Ellysium a
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
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Question 11
- (Topic 1)
Salvatore Arris is a member of the Crescent Health Plan, which provides its members with a full range of medical services through its provider network. After suffering from debilitating headaches for several days, Mr. Arris made an appointment to see Neal Prater, a physician’s assistant in the Crescent network who provides primary care under the supervision of physician Dr. Anne Hunt. Mr. Prater referred Mr. Arris to Dr. Ginger Chen, an ophthalmologist, who determined that Mr. Arris’ symptoms were indicative of migraine headaches. Dr. Chen prescribed medicine for Mr. Arris, and Mr. Arris had the prescription filled at a pharmacy with which Crescent has contracted. The pharmacist, Steven Tucker, advised Mr. Arris to take the medicine with food or milk. In this situation, the person who functioned as an ancillary service provider is
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 12
- (Topic 2)
One true statement about the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is that:
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 13
- (Topic 1)
The Holiday Health Plan is preparing to enter a new market. In order to determine the optimal size of its provider panel in the new market, Holiday is conducting a competitive analysis of provider networks of the market’s existing health plans. Consider whether, in conducting its competitive analysis, Holiday should seek answers to the following questions:
Question 1: What are the cost-containment strategies of the health plans with increasing market shares?
Question 2: What are the premium strategies of the health plans with large market shares?
Question 3: What are the characteristics of health plans that are losing market share?
In its competitive analysis, Holiday should most likely obtain answers to questions
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
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Question 14
- (Topic 2)
Grant Pelham is covered by both a workers’ compensation program and a group health plan provided by his employer. The Shipwright Health Plan administers both programs. Mr. Grant was injured while on the job and applied for benefits.
Mr. Pelham’s group health insurance plan and workers’ compensation both provide benefits to cover expenses incurred as a result of illness or injury. However, unlike traditional group insurance coverage, workers’ compensation
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
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Question 15
- (Topic 1)
From the following answer choices, choose the type of clause or provision described in this situation.
The Aviary Health Plan includes in its provider contracts a clause or provision that places the ultimate responsibility for an Aviary plan member’s medical care on the provider.
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 16
- (Topic 2)
In most states, workers’ compensation is first-dollar and last-dollar coverage, which means thatworkers’ compensation programs
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 17
- (Topic 1)
Before incurring the expense of assembling a new PPO network, the Protect Health Plan conducted a cost analysis in order to determine the cost-effectiveness of renting an existing PPO network instead. In calculating the overall cost of renting the network, Protect assumed a premium of $2.52 per member per month (PMPM) and estimated the total number of members to be 9,000. This information indicates that Protect would calculate its annual network rental cost to be
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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