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Question 1
You've created your first load balancer and have registered your EC2 instances with the load balancer. Elastic Load Balancing routinely performs health checks on all the registered EC2 instances and automatically distributes all incoming requests to the DNS name of your load balancer across your registered, healthy EC2 instances. By default, the load balancer uses the _ protocol for checking the health of your instances.
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

In Elastic Load Balancing a health configuration uses information such as protocol, ping port, ping path (URL), response timeout period, and health check interval to determine the health state of the instances registered with the load balancer.
Currently, HTTP on port 80 is the default health check. Reference:|asticLoadBaIancing/latest/DeveIoperGuide/TerminoIogyandKeyConcepts. html

Question 2
How many types of block devices does Amazon EC2 support?
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:

Amazon EC2 supports 2 types of block devices. Reference:

Question 3
Which of the following is true of Amazon EC2 security group?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more instances. When you launch an instance, you associate one or more security groups with the instance. You add rules to each security group that allow traffic to or from its associated instances. You can modify the rules for a security group at any time; the new rules are automatically applied to all instances that are associated with the security group.

Question 4
A user has configured a website and launched it using the Apache web server on port 80. The user is using ELB with the EC2 instances for Load Balancing. What should the user do to ensure that the EC2 instances accept requests only from ELB?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

When a user is configuring ELB and registering the EC2 instances with it, ELB will create a source security group. If the user wants to allow traffic only from ELB, he should remove all the rules set for the other requests and open the port only for the ELB source security group.

Question 5
A newspaper organization has a on-premises application which allows the public to search its back catalogue and retrieve indMdual newspaper pages via a website written in Java They have scanned the old newspapers into JPEGs (approx 17TB) and used Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to populate a commercial search product. The hosting platform and software are now end of life and the organization wants to migrate Its archive to AW5 and produce a cost efficient architecture and still be designed for availability and durability. Which is the most appropriate?
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:

There is no such thing as "NIost appropriate" without knowing all your goals. I find your scenarios very fuzzy, since you can obviously mix-n-match between them. I think you should decide by layers instead: Load Balancer Layer: ELB or just DNS, or roll-your-own. (Using DNS+EIPs is slightly cheaper, but less reliable than ELB.)
Storage Layer for 17TB of Images: This is the perfect use case for 53. Off-load all the web requests directly to the relevant JPEGs in 53. Your EC2 boxes just generate links to them.
If your app already serves it's own images (not links to images), you might start with EFS. But more than likely, you can just setup a web server to re-write or re-direct all JPEG links to 53 pretty easily.
If you use 53, don't serve directly from the bucket- Serve via a CNAME in domain you control. That way, you can switch in C|oudFront easily.
EBS will be way more expensive, and you'II need 2x the drives if you need 2 boxes. Yuck. Consider a smaller storage format. For example, JPEG200 or WebP or other tools might make for smaller images. There is also the DejaVu format from a while back.
Cache Layer: Adding Cloud Front in front of 53 will help people on the other side of the world-- well, possibly. Typical archives follow a power law. The long tail of requests means that most JPEGs won't be requested enough to be in the cache. So you are only speeding up the most popular objects. You can always wait, and switch in CF later after you know your costs better. (In some cases, it can actually lower costs.)
You can also put CIoudFront in front of your app, since your archive search results should be fairly static. This will also allow you to run with a smaller instance type, since CF will handle much of the load if you do it right.
Database Layer: A few options:
Use whatever your current server does for now, and replace with something else down the road. Don't under-estimate this approach, sometimes it's better to start now and optimize later.
Use RDS to run MySQL/ Postgres
I'm not as familiar with EIasticSearch I Cloudsearch, but obviously Cloudsearch will be less maintenance+setup.
App Layer:
When creating the app layer from scratch, consider Cloud Formation and/or OpsWorks. It's extra stuff to learn, but helps down the road.
Java+ Tomcat is right up the alley of E|asticBeanstaIk. (Basically EC2 + Autoscale + ELB).
Preventing Abuse: When you put something in a public 53 bucket, people will hot-link it from their web pages. If you want to prevent that, your app on the EC2 box can generate signed links to 53 that expire in a few hours. Now everyone will be forced to go thru the app, and the app can apply rate limiting, etc. Saving money: If you don't mind having downtime:
run everything in one AZ (both DBs and EC2s). You can always add servers and AZs down the road, as long as it's architected to be stateless. In fact, you should use multiple regions if you want it to be really robust.
use Reduced Redundancy in 53 to save a few hundred bucks per month (Someone will have to "go fix it" every time it breaks, including having an off-line copy to repair 53.)
Buy Reserved Instances on your EC2 boxes to make them cheaper. (Start with the RI market and buy a partially used one to get started.) It's just a coupon saying "if you run this type of box in this AZ, you will save on the per-hour costs." You can get 1/2 to 1/3 off easily.
Rewrite the application to use less memory and CPU -that way you can run on fewer/ smaller boxes. (Nlay or may not be worth the investment.)
If your app will be used very infrequently, you will save a lot of money by using Lambda. I'd be worried that it would be quite slow if you tried to run a Java application on it though ..
We're missing some information like load, latency expectations from search, indexing speed, size of the search index, etc. But with what you've given us, I would go with 53 as the storage for the files (53 rocks. It is really, really awesome). If you're stuck with the commercial search application, then on EC2 instances with autoscaling and an ELB. If you are allowed an alternative search engine, Elasticsearch is probably your best bet. I'd run it on EC2 instead ofthe AWS Elasticsearch service, as IMHO it's not ready yet. Don't autoscale Elasticsearch automatically though, it'II cause all sorts of issues. I have zero experience with CIoudSearch so I can't comment on that. Regardless of which option, I'd use Cloud Formation for all of it.

Question 6
In Amazon EC2, if your EBS volume stays in the detaching state, you can force the detachment by clicking .
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

If your volume stays in the detaching state, you can force the detachment by clicking Force Detach. Reference:

Question 7
Which of the following services natively encrypts data at rest within an AWS region? Choose 2 answers
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:

Reference: at_Rest_ with_E ncryption. pdf (page 12)

Question 8
A gaming company comes to you and asks you to build them infrastructure for their site. They are not sure how big they will be as with all start ups they have limited money and big ideas. What they do tell you is that if the game becomes successful, like one of their previous games, it may rapidly grow to millions of users and generate tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of writes and reads per second. After
considering all of this, you decide that they need a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. Which of the following databases do you think would best fit their needs?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable
performance with seamless scalability. Amazon DynamoDB enables customers to offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling distributed databases to AWS, so they don’t have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, replication, software patching, or cluster scaHng.
Today’s web-based applications generate and consume massive amounts of data. For example, an
online game might start out with only a few thousand users and a light database workload consisting of 10 writes per second and 50 reads per second. However, if the game becomes successful, it may rapidly grow to millions of users and generate tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of writes and reads per second. It may also create terabytes or more of data per day. Developing your applications against Amazon DynamoDB enables you to start small and simply dial-up your request capacity for a table as your requirements scale, without incurring downtime. You pay highly cost-efficient rates for the request capacity you provision, and let Amazon DynamoDB do the work over partitioning your data and traffic over sufficient server capacity to meet your needs. Amazon DynamoDB does the database management and administration, and you simply store and request your data. Automatic replication and failover provides built-in fault tolerance, high availability, and data durability. Amazon DynamoDB gives you the peace of mind that your database is fully managed and can grow with your application requirements. Reference:

Question 9
What is the type of monitoring data (for Amazon EBS volumes) which is available automatically in 5- minute periods at no charge called?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:


Question 10
If I modify a DB Instance or the DB parameter group associated with the instance, should I reboot the instance for the changes to take effect?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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Question 11
In Amazon EC2, what is the limit of Reserved Instances per Availability Zone each month?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

There are 20 Reserved Instances per Availability Zone in each month.

Question 12
An EC2 instance is connected to an ENI (Elastic Network Interface) in one subnet. What happens when you attach an ENI of a different subnet to this EC2 instance?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

AWS allows you create an elastic network interface (ENI), attach an ENI to an EC2 instance, detach an ENI from an EC2 instance and attach this ENI to another EC2 instance. The attributes of a network traffic follow the ENI which is attached to an EC2 instance or detached from an EC2 instance. When you move an ENI from one EC2 instance to another, network traffic is redirected to the new EC2 instance. You can create and attach additional ENIs to an EC2 instance.
Attaching multiple network interfaces (ENIs) to an EC2 instance is useful to: Create a management network.
Use network and security appliances in your VPC.
Create dual-homed instances with workloads/roles on distinct subnets Create a low-budget, high-availability solution.

Question 13
What is the minimum charge for the data transferred between Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2 Instances in the same Availability Zone?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 14
Which of the following notification endpoints or clients are supported by Amazon Simple Notification Service? Choose 2 answers
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:


Question 15
What is the default maximum number of MFA devices in use per AWS account (at the root account level)?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:


Question 16
Your manager has just given you access to multiple VPN connections that someone else has recently set up between all your company's offices. She needs you to make sure that the communication between the VPNs is secure. Which of the following services would be best for providing a low-cost hub-and-spoke model for primary or backup connectMty between these remote offices?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

If you have multiple VPN connections, you can provide secure communication between sites using the
AWS VPN CIoudHub. The VPN CIoudHub operates on a simple hub-and-spoke model that you can use with or without a VPC. This design is suitable for customers with multiple branch offices and existing Internet connections who would like to implement a convenient, potentially low-cost hub-and-spoke model for primary or backup connectMty between these remote offices.

Question 17
A user is planning to make a mobile game which can be played online or offline and will be hosted on EC2.
The user wants to ensure that if someone breaks the highest score or they achieve some milestone they can inform all their colleagues through email. Which of the below mentioned AWS services helps achieve this goal?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a highly scalable and cost-effective email-sending service for businesses and developers. It integrates with other AWS services, making it easy to send emails from applications that are hosted on AWS.

Question 18
True or False: When you add a rule to a DB security group, you do not need to specify port number or protocol.
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 19
A scope has been handed to you to set up a super fast gaming server and you decide that you will use Amazon DynamoDB as your database. For efficient access to data in a table, Amazon DynamoDB creates and maintains indexes for the primary key attributes. A secondary index is a data structure that contains a subset of attributes from a table, along with an alternate key to support Query operations. How many types of secondary indexes does DynamoDB support?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

DynamoDB supports two types of secondary indexes:
Local secondary index — an index that has the same hash key as the table, but a different range key. A local secondary index is "IocaI" in the sense that every partition of a local secondary index is scoped to a table partition that has the same hash key.
Global secondary index — an index with a hash and range key that can be different from those on the table. A global secondary index is considered "gIobaI" because queries on the index can span all of the data in a table, across all partitions.

Question 20
Does AWS CIoudFormation support Amazon EC2 tagging?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

In AWS CIoudFormation, Amazon EC2 resources that support the tagging feature can also be tagged in an AWS template. The tag values can refer to template parameters, other resource names, resource attribute values (e.g. addresses), or values computed by simple functions (e.g., a concatenated list of strings).

Question 21
What does Amazon 53 stand for?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:


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