Java SE 7 Programmer I 1Z0-803 Free Practice Questions

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Question 1
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My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 2
Which three are valid types for switch?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ADE
Reference analysis:

A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. It also works with enumerated types theString class, and a few special classes that wrap certain primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer.

Question 3
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Which line causes a compilation error?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

The variable x2 is used before it has been declared.

Question 4
Given the code fragment:
int [][] array2d = new int[2][3];
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:


Question 5
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My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 6
boolean log3 = ( 5.0 != 6.0)
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 7
Given the following code fragment:
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What is the result if the integer value is 33?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

33 is greater than 0.
33 is not equal to 0. the is printed.
33 is greater than 30 fox is printed
33 is greater then 10 (the two else if are skipped) lazy is printed
finally … is printed.

Question 8
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The class is poorly encapsulated. You need to change the circle class to compute and return the area instead.
Which two modifications are necessary to ensure that the class is being properly encapsulated?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BD
Reference analysis:


Question 9
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) { int day = 1;
switch (day) {
My answer: -
Reference answer: AC
Reference analysis:

The following will work fine:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) { int day = 1;
switch (day) {
case 7: System.out.print(

Question 10
Given the code fragment:
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What is the result?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:


Question 11
Given the following code:
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What will make this code compile and run?
My answer: -
Reference answer: E
Reference analysis:

price.price =4; is correct, not price=4;
The attribute price of the instance must be set, not the instance itself.

Question 12
A method is declared to take three arguments. A program calls this method and passes only two arguments. What is the result?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

The problem is noticed at build/compile time. At build you would receive an error message like:
required: int,int,int found: int,int

Question 13
Given the code fragment:
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Which statement is true?
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:


Question 14
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What is the result?
My answer: -
Reference answer: E
Reference analysis:


Question 15
An unchecked exception occurs in a method dosomething()
Should other code be added in the dosomething() method for it to compile and execute?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

Because the Java programming language does not require methods to catch or to specify unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException,Error, and their subclasses), programmers may be tempted to write code that throws only unchecked exceptions or to make all their exceptionsubclasses inherit fromRuntimeException. Both of these shortcuts allow programmers to write code without bothering with compiler errors and without bothering to specify or to catch anyexceptions. Although this may seem convenient to the programmer, it sidesteps theintent of thecatchorspecifyrequirement and can cause problems for others
using your classes.

Question 16
Given the code fragment:
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What is the result?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

The length of the element with index 0, {0, 1, 2}, is 3. Output: 3
The element with index 1, {3, 4, 5, 6}, is of type array. Output: true
The element with index 0, {0, 1, 2} has the element with index 1: 1. Output: 1

Question 17
Given the fragment:
String[][] arra = new String[3][]; arra[0] = new String[]{
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:

not A: arra.length is 3, but the subarrays have 2, 3 and 4 elements. Index will be out of bound.
not B: The subarrys are of different lengths. Indexwill be out of bound. not D: Compile error.

Question 18
Which three statements are true about the structure of a Java class?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ABC
Reference analysis:

A: Private constructors prevent a class from being explicitly instantiatedby its callers.
If the programmer does not provide a constructor for a class, then the system will always provide a default, public no-argument constructor. To disable this default constructor, simply add a private no-argument constructor to the class. This private constructor may be empty.
B: The following works fine: int cake() {
int cake=0; return (1);
C: We can overload static method in Java. In terms of method overloading static method are just like normal methods and in order to overload static method you need to provide another static method with same name but different method signature.
Not D: Only a public class in an application need to have a main method. Not E:
class A
public string something; public int a;
Q: What do you call classes without methods? Most of the time: An anti pattern.
Why? Because it faciliates procedural programming with

Question 19
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My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:


Question 20
What is the proper way to defined a method that take two int values and returns their sum as an int value?
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:


Question 21
Given the code fragment:
public class Test {
static String[][] arr =new String[3][]; private static void doPrint() {
//insert code here
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] class1 = {
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

not A: The following line causes a compile error: System.out.println(str[j]);
Not C: Compile erro line: for (String[] sub: arr[][]) not D: Output: C

Question 22
Given the code fragment: List colors = new ArrayList(); colors.add(
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

First the list [green, red, blue, yellow] is build. The blue element is removed:
[green, red, yellow]
Finally the element cyan is added at then end of the list (index 3). [green, red, yellow, cyan]

Question 23
Given the code fragment:
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What is the result?
My answer: -
Reference answer: E
Reference analysis:


Question 24
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What shouldstatement1,statement2, andstatement3, be respectively, in order to produce the result?
Shape: constructor Square: foo Shape: foo
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My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:


Question 25
class Base {
// insert code here
public class Derived extends Base{ public static void main(String[] args) { Derived obj = new Derived(); obj.setNum(3);
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:

Not B: illegal combination of modifiers: protected and public not C: setNum method cannot be private.
not E: getNum method cannot be private.

Question 26
Given: class Mid {
public int findMid(int n1, int n2) {
return (n1 n2) / 2;
public class Calc extends Mid {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n1 = 22, n2 = 2;
// insert code here
Which two code fragments, when inserted at // insert code here, enable the code to compile and print 12?
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:

Not B: circular definition of n3.
Not C: Compilation error. line Calc c = new Mid(); required: Calc
found: Mid
Not E: Compilation error. line int n3 = Calc.findMid(n1, n2);
non-static method findMid(int,int) cannot be referenced from a static context

Question 27
Which statement will empty the contents of aStringBuilder variable named sb?
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:


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