The Regenerate Guide To AHM-530 Brain Dumps

Act now and download your AHIP AHM-530 test today! Do not waste time for the worthless AHIP AHM-530 tutorials. Download Renovate AHIP Network Management exam with real questions and answers and begin to learn AHIP AHM-530 with a classic professional.

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Question 1
- (Topic 2)
The Pine Health Plan has incorporated pharmacy benefits management into its operations to form a unified benefit. Potential advantages that Pine can receive from this action include:
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Reference answer: D
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Question 2
- (Topic 1)
The NPDB specifies the entities that are eligible to request information from the data bank, as well as the conditions under which requests are allowed. In general, entities that are eligible to request information from the NPDB include
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 3
- (Topic 2)
The Crimson Health Plan, a competitive medical plan (CMP), has entered into a Medicare risk contract. One true statement about Crimson is that, as a:
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 4
- (Topic 2)
The Portway Hospital is qualified to receive Medicaid subsidy payments as a disproportionate share hospital (DHS). The DHS payments that Portway receives are
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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Question 5
- (Topic 2)
The Ventnor Health Plan requires the physicians in its provider network to be board certified. Ventnor has received requests to become a part of the network from the following specialists:
Cheryl Stovall, who is currently in the process of completing a residency in her field ofspecialization.
Thomas Kalil, who has completed a residency in his field of specialization and has passed a qualifying examination in that field within two years of completing his residency.
Roger Todd, who has completed a residency in his field of specialization but has not passed a qualifying examination in that field.
Ventnor's requirement of board certification is met by:
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 6
- (Topic 2)
The following statements describe two types of HMOs:
The Elm HMO requires its members to select a PCP but allows the members to go to any other provider on its panel without a referral from the PCP.
The Treble HMO does not require its members to select a PCP. Treble allows its members to go to any doctor, healthcare professional, or facility that is on its panel without a referral from a primary care doctor. However, care outside of Treble's network is not reimbursed unless the provider obtains advance approval from the HMO.
Both HMOs use delegation to transfer certain functions to other organizations. Following the guidelines established by the NCQA, Elm delegated its credentialing activities to the Newnan Group, and the agreement between Elm and Newnan lists the responsibilities of both parties under the agreement. Treble delegated utilization management (UM) to an IPA. The IPA then transferred the authority for case management to the Quest Group, an organization that specializes in case management.
Both HMOs also offer pharmacy benefits. Elm calculates its drug costs according to a pricing system that requires establishing a purchasing profile for each pharmacy and basing reimbursement on the profile. Treble and the Manor Pharmaceutical Group have an arrangement that requires the use of a typical maximum allowable cost (MAC) pricing system to calculate generic drug costs under Treble's pharmacy program. The following statements describe generic drugs prescribed for Treble plan members who are covered by Treble's pharmacy benefits:
The MAC list for Drug A specifies a cost of 12 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 14 cents
per tablet for this drug.
The MAC list for Drug B specifies a cost of 7 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 5 cents per tablet for this drug.
From the following answer choices, select the response that best identifies Elm and Treble:
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 7
- (Topic 2)
Although ambulatory payment classifications (APCs) bear some resemblance to diagnosis- related groups (DRGs), there are significant differences between APCs and DRGs. One of these differences is that APCs:
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Reference answer: A
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Question 8
- (Topic 2)
The Blanchette Health Plan uses a method of claims submission that allows its providers to submit claims directly to Blanchette through a computer application-to-application exchange of claims using a standard data format. This information indicates that Blanchette allows its providers to submit claims using technology known as
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 9
- (Topic 2)
CMS Medicare+Choice regulations include a provision that allows health plans to deny benefits for any services the health plan objects to on moral or religious grounds. The provision that exempts health plans from providing such services is known as
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Reference answer: A
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Question 10
- (Topic 1)
One reimbursement method that health plans can use for hospitals is the ambulatory payment classifications (APCs) method. APCs bear a resemblance to the diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) method of reimbursement. However, when comparing APCs and DRGs, one of the primary differences between the two methods is that only the APC method
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
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Question 11
- (Topic 1)
The Sweeney Health Plan uses the discounted fee-for-service (DFFS) method to compensate some of its providers. Under this method of compensation, Sweeney calculates payments based on
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 12
- (Topic 2)
Dr. Ahmad Shah and Dr. Shantelle Owen provide primary care services to Medicare+Choice enrollees of health plans under the following physician incentive plans:
Dr. Shah receives $40 per enrollee per month for providing primary care and an additional
$10 per enrollee per month if the cost of referral services falls below a specified level
Dr. Owen receives $30 per enrollee per month for providing primary care and an additional
$15 per enrollee per month if the cost of referral services falls below a specified level The use of a physician incentive plan creates substantial risk for
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 13
- (Topic 2)
The following statements are about workers' compensation provider networks. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement:
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
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Question 14
- (Topic 1)
The Aegean Health Plan delegated its utilization management (UM) program to the Silhouette IPA. Silhouette, in turn, transferred authority for case management to Brandon Health Services. In this situation, Brandon is best described as the
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 15
- (Topic 1)
In 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which increased the continuity and portability of health insurance coverage. One statement that can correctly be made about HIPAA is that it
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
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Question 16
- (Topic 1)
The actual number of providers included in a provider network may be based on staffing ratios. Staffing ratios relate the number of
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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Question 17
- (Topic 2)
The following statements are about fee-for-service (FFS) payment systems. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement:
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
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