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Question 1
You are planning the monitoring configuration for your X5 Database Machine.
Which two components are monitored directly through the use of Exadata –specific Enterprise Manager Plug-Ins?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BE
Reference analysis:

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Exadata Monitoring plug-in bundle allows you to monitor the following key components of Exadata machine:
References: 188771.html

Question 2
In which scenario will griddisks residing on the same celldisk have balanced performance characteristics in an X5 High Capacity Exadata Storage Server?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

Intelligent Data Placement enables you to specify disk regions on Oracle ASM disks for best performance. Using the disk region settings, you can ensure that frequently accessed data is placed on the outermost (hot) tracks which have greater speed and higher bandwidth. In addition, files withsimilar access patterns are located physically close, reducing latency. Intelligent Data Placement also enables the placement of primary and mirror extents into different hot or cold regions.
References: STMG10072

Question 3
You installed ASR Manager on a stand-alone server and configured Auto Service Request (ASR) for your X5 Database Machine and its assets.
Which three statements are true about this configuration?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BCF
Reference analysis:

B: Oracle ASR Manager only processes SNMP traps that are sent from IP addresses that Oracle ASR Manager recognizes.
Example of Exadata Storage Server SNMP Trap
This example shows the SNMP trap for an Exadata Storage Server disk failure. The corresponding hardware alert code has been highlighted.
2011-09-07 10:59:54 [UDP: [192.85.884.156]:61945]:
RFC1213-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (52455631) 6 days, 1:42:36.31 SNMPv2-SMI::snmpModules. = OID: SUN-HW-TRAP-
SUN-HW-TRAP-MIB::sunHwTrapSystemIdentifier = STRING: Sun Oracle Database Machine
C (not D): The ASR Manager uses the SNMP GET protocol to query ASR assets for additional fault information.
To configure fault telemetry, choose one of the following three options:
Add SNMP Trap Destinations Using OneCommand (recommended for new installations) Add SNMP Trap Destinations for Multiple Servers Using the dcli Utility
Add SNMP Trap Destinations for a Single Server
References: 331

Question 4
Examine this IORM plan:
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Which two are true concerning this plan?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BE
Reference analysis:

The IORM plan can be configured using the ALTER IORMPLAN command on command- line interface (CellCLI) utility on each Exadata storage cell. It consists of two parameters - dbplan and catplan. While the "dbplan" is used to create the I/O resource directives for the databases, the "catplan" is used to allocate resources by workload category consolidated on the target system.
allocation/share - Specify the resource allocation to a specific database in terms of percentage or shares.
limit - Specify maximum limit of disk utilization for a database.

Question 5
Which four statements are true about the configuration of Auto Service Request (ASR) for use with an X5 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ACDF
Reference analysis:

C: If you need to use HTTPS for security purposes, you can set up HTTPS/SSL for the ASR Manager HTTP receiver.
D: As part of the registration process for ASR Manager, you can optionally set the ASR Manager to access the internet through a proxy server.
References: m#ASRUD137

Question 6
Because of a motherboard failure on an X6 high-capacity Exadata storage server, you must replace the server chassis with a replacement unit.
Which are three of the components must you move from the original Exadata storage server to the new Exadata storage server?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ADE
Reference analysis:

Remove the following reusable components: References:

Question 7
You plan to migrate an Oracle database that supports an online transaction processing (OLTP) workload to your X6 Database Machine. The Database Machine database version is 11.2.
You plan to perform a physical database migration using Transportable Database. Which two are requirements for this method?
My answer: -
Reference answer: AC
Reference analysis:

Transportable database approach (TDB). If the source system is running Oracle 11.2 or above with Little Endian format, this method can be used to migrate the database to Exadata.
References: practices

Question 8
You plan to migrate a database supporting an OLTP workload to your new X5 Database Machine.
The current database instance supports a large number of short duration sessions and a very high volume of short transactions.
Which three X5 Database Machine features can improve performance for this type of workload?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ACD
Reference analysis:

A: To further accelerate OLTP workloads, the Exadata Smart Flash Cache also implements a special algorithm to reduce the latency of log write I/Os called Exadata Smart Flash Logging.
C: Use the Write-Back Flash Cache feature to leverage the Exadata Flash hardware and make Exadata Database Machine a faster system for Oracle Database Deployments.
D: Exadata X5-2 introduces Extreme Flash Storage Servers. Each Extreme Flash storage server contains eight 1.6 TB state-of-the-art PCI Flash drives. PCI flash delivers ultra-high performance by placing flash memory directly on the high speed PCI bus rather than behind slow disk controllers and directors.
References: 2406241.pdf 2179184.html

Question 9
Which two statements are true about backup performance when using Recovery Manager (RMAN) on an X5 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: DE
Reference analysis:

D: The storage server software manages the flash cache and can recognize different types of I/O requests so that non-repeatable data access like RMAN backup I/O does not flush database blocks from the cache. It also prioritizes frequently accessed block types such as redo logs, control files, and index root blocks.
E: RMAN block change tracking allows incremental backups to run very quickly and efficiently. With block change tracking, only the areas of the database that have been modified since the last incremental backup or full backup are read from disk.

Question 10
Which two completely prevent a Smart Scan from occurring?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BE
Reference analysis:

B: Migrated Rows is a special case of chained rows. Migrated rows still affect performance, as they do in conventional storage situations, but with the additional overhead of reducing the beneficial effects of “Smart Scan” in addition to increasing the number of I/Os
E: Smart Scans - broadly speaking and ignoring edge cases - can only transport a maximum of 254 columns from a single (non-HCC) segment. Requesting more columns will simply disable Smart Scans for that segment.
An interesting limitation to Exadata Smart Scans - if more than 254 columns from a table (not HCC compressed, more on that in moment) need to be projected, Smart Scans for that particular segment will be disabled and Exadata will fall back to conventional I/O. This means that the number of columns in the projection clause can make a significant difference to performance, since only Smart Scans allow taking advantage of offloading and particularly avoiding I/O via Storage Indexes.

Question 11
Your Exadata X6-2 Database Machine has the exachk utility preinstalled. You decide to use it periodically to validate the installation against Oracle’s recommended best practices.
Which three actions could you take to do this?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ADE
Reference analysis:

AD: To schedule exachk, we can create a cron job or we can create a job in Enterprise Manager..
To add an Enterprise Manager job to execute Exachk on a periodic basis. Execute the following steps. First go to
Enterprise, Job, Library. Then create a new OS Command job
E: exachk options include AUTORUN_SCHEDULE, which schedules recurring health checks using the AUTORUN_SCHEDULE daemon option.
References: 2021227.pdf
Best practices: Execute the latest version of the exachk utility before and after planned maintenance activities and at least once every month

Question 12
Which three statements are true about Exadata storage server alerts in an X5 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ACF
Reference analysis:

Exadata cell (storage server) alerts can be delivered using SMTP or SNMP or both.
Although there are three types of storage alerts: informational, warning and critical, they are issued when threshold metrics reached either to warning or critical.

Question 13
Which three are sources for alerts from storage servers in an X5 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ABE
Reference analysis:

AB: The Management Server (MS) process receives the metrics data from CELLSRV, keeps a subset of metrics in memory, and writes to an internal disk-based repository hourly. In addition, the MS process can generate alerts for important storage cell hardware or software events.

Question 14
You have altered an index supporting a constraint to be invisible on a large data warehouse table in an X5 Database Machine.
Which two statements are true?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BC
Reference analysis:

B: With making indexes invisible, we can easily check whether indexes are useful without having to drop (and in case recreate) them actually. While this may be of interest for “ordinary” Oracle Databases already, it is particular a useful feature for Exadata where we expect some conventional indexes to become obsolete after a migration.
C: DISABLE NOVALIDATE RELY means: "I don\'t want an index and constraint checking to slow down my batch data loading into datawarehouse, but the optimizer can RELY on my data loading routine and assume this constraint is enforced by other mechanism". This information can greatly help optimizer to use correct materialized view when rewriting queries. So if you don\'t use materialized views for query rewrite then you can put RELY for all your constraints (or NORELY for all your constraints) and forget about it.

Question 15
Which three are recommended options on an X5 Exadata Database machine, for staging files that will be loaded as external tables?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ABE
Reference analysis:


Question 16
Which two statements are true about the use of Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) on an X5 or X6 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: AC
Reference analysis:

A: IPMI – short for Intelligent Platform Management Interface – is an interface standard that allows remote management of a server from another using standardized interface. The servers in the Exadata Database Machine follow that. It’s not an Exadata command but rather a general Linux one.
To power on a cell or database server, issue this from another server:
# ipmitool -H prolcel01-ilom -U root chassis power on
To stop a server, use the shutdown command. To stop immediately and keep it down, i.e. not reboot, execute:# shutdown -h -y now
C: Like the KCS interface, the SSIF Interface is only specified as a ‘Single Threaded Interface’ for standard IPMI commands. That is, the BMC implementation is not expected to process more than one IPMI request at a time. While an implementation is allowed to have a degree of ‘command queuing’, for standard IPMI messages the SSIF lacks a ‘Seq’ field that software can use to match up particular instances of requests with responses.

Question 17
An important application has been migrated to a database on an X5 Database Machine.
You are examining high-load SQL statements from this application, in an attempt to determine which ones will benefit from the Exadata Smart Scan capability.
Which three access paths always generate “cell single block physical read” or “cell multiblock physical read” requests?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ACF
Reference analysis:


Question 18
Which three statements are true about the EXADCLI utility?
My answer: -
Reference answer: DEF
Reference analysis:

The exadcli utility runs commands on multiple remote nodes in parallel threads.
You can issue an ExaCLI command to be run on multiple remote nodes. Remote nodes are referenced by their host name or IP address. Unlike dcli, exadcli can only execute ExaCLI commands. Other commands, for example, shell commands, cannot be executed using exadcli.

Question 19
Which type or types of network traffic are transported over the internal InfiniBand interconnect in Exadata Database Machine X5?
My answer: -
Reference answer: E
Reference analysis:

Oracle Exadata uses the Intelligent Database protocol (iDB) to transfer data between Database Node and Storage Cell Node.
iDB is used to ship SQL operations down to the Exadata cells for execution and to return query result sets to the database kernel.

Question 20
Which three statements are true concerning the configuration of SNMP on an Exadata x5 or x6 Database Machine?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BDE
Reference analysis:

B: You can configure SNMP Trap Destinations for the Exadata Storage Servers with the following command:
# cellcli -e “alter cell snmpSubscriber=(host =\'ASR-Manager-name-or-IP- address\',port=162,community=public,type=asr)”
D: Exadata Storage Server plug-in
This extends the monitoring of exadata cells in addition to providing a GUI interface. The plug-in uses an SSH connection to the cellmonitor user on the cells and uses list commands only. This is for interactive monitoring. One may also set thresholds using the plug-in which are distinct from any thresholds set using cellcli utility as the celladmin user. For alerts to be sent to the plug-in, SNMP traps are used as follows:
Cell ILOM alerts are sent to the cell Management Server (MS) via an SNMP trap. The MS then send SNMP notifications onward to the plug-in.
Cell alerts flagged by MS itself, such as cell thresholds being exceeded, or ADR software alerts, are sent to the plug-in using SNMP.
E: Database Server ILOM plug-in
Monitoring databases and their instances, ASM environments, the Grid Infrastructure, and the host software environment are done by Enterprise Manager in the usual way as these are standard targets. But monitoring the hardware for the database servers requires the ILOM plug-in, as there is no Management Server (MS) on the database servers to receive SNMP traps from the ILOM. The plug-in will receive sensor state and availability data from
the ILOM including alerts based on pre-set ILOM thresholds.

Question 21
You are evaluating the performance of a SQL statement that accesses a very large table. You run this query:
1Z0-070 dumps exhibit
Identify two reasons why the “cell physical IO interconnect bytes” statistic is greater than the “cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan” statistic.
My answer: -
Reference answer: CD
Reference analysis:

C: Scan on a clustered table can prevent a Smart Scan from occur.
D: Scan on an index-organized table can prevent a Smart Scan from occur.
Note: The Cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan metric shows how many bytes of I/O were returned by a smart scan to the database server.

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