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Question 1
User jack logs in to host solaris and then attempts to log in to host oracle using ssh. He receives the following error message:
The authenticity of host oracle ( can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 3B:23:a5:6d:ad:a5:76:83:9c:c3:c4:55:a5:18:98:a6
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Which two are true?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BD
Reference analysis:

The fingerprints are used to guard against man in the middle attacks. Since ssh logins usually work over the internet (an insecure connection), someone could hijack your connection. When you try to log into yourmachine.com, he could get "in the middle" and return your challenge as if he was yourmachine.com. That way, he could get hold of your login password.
To make this attack harder, ssh stores the fingerprint of the server's public key on the first connection attempt. You will see a prompt like:
The authenticity of host 'eisen (137.43.366.64)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is cf:55:30:31:7f:f0:c4:a0:9a:02:1d:1c:41:cf:63:cf. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)
When you enter yes, ssh will add the fingerprint to your known_hosts file. you will see
Warning: Permanently added 'eisen, 137.43.366.64' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
The next time you login, ssh will check whether the host key has changed. A changing host key usually indicates a man in the middle attack, and ssh refuses to connect.

Question 2
Examine this command and its output:
# zoneadm list Global
Which two outcomes can be deduced from this output?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BC
Reference analysis:


Question 3
You are attempting to troubleshoot an event that should have made an entry into the messages log. This event happened about two weeks ago. Which file should you look at
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

The /var/adm/messages is the file to which all the messages printed on the console are logged to by the Operating System. This helps to track back check the console messages to troubleshoot any issues on the system.
Syslog daemon also writes to this /var/adm/messages file.
The /var/adm/messages file monitored and managed by newsyslog and its configuration file is /usr/lib/newsyslog.
This script runs as the roots cron job everyday, checks the /var/adm/messages file and copies/moves it to /var/adm/messages.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In other words, it does the Log Rotation for the /var/adm/messages.
In an event the /var file system is running out of space, these files needs to checked and can be removed (not the actual /var/adm/messages itself) to free up space on the file system.
However, care has to be taken, if you decide to empty the /var/adm/messages itself for any reason. This process is called Truncation.
SOLARIS SYSTEM ADMIN TIPS, /var/adm/messages

Question 4
Review the zonestat command:
zonestate - q physical - memory -R high -z -p -p “zones” 10 24h 60m
Select the option that correctly describes the information that is displayed by this command.
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

* (Not A, B, C): interval (here 10 seconds): Specifies the length in seconds to pause between each interval report.
* duration (here 24 h)
* -R report[, report] (here high) Print a summary report.
High Print a summary report detailing the highest usage of each resource and zone during any interval of the zonestat utility invocation.
Note: The zonestat utility reports on the cpu, memory, and resource control utilization of the currently running zones. Each zone's utilization is reported both as a percentage of system resources and the zone's configured limits.
The zonestat utility prints a series of interval reports at the specified interval. It optionally
also prints one or more summary reports at a specified interval.
The default output is a summary of cpu, physical, and virtual memory utilization. The -r option can be used to choose detailed output for specific resources.

Question 5
Consider the following commands:
1Z0-821 dumps exhibit
What is displayed when this sequence of commands is executed using the bash shell?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:


Question 6
You want to install the openldap software package to a now boot environment for testing before introducing the now software package to the production environment. What option describes the correct procedure to:
1) create a new BE named nowBE
2) install the software to that new BE only
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

If you want to create a backup of an existing boot environment, for example, prior to modifying the original boot environment, you can use the beadm command to create and mount a new boot environment that is a clone of your active boot environment. This clone is listed as an alternate boot environment in the GRUB menu for x86 systems or in the boot menu for SPARC systems.
When you clone a boot environment by using the beadm create command, all supported zones in that boot environment are copied into the new boot environment.
How to Create a Boot Environment
1. Become the root role.
2. Create the boot environment.
# beadm create BeName
BeName is a variable for the name of the new boot environment. This new boot environment is inactive.
3. (Optional) Use the beadm mount command to mount the new boot environment.
# beadm mount BeName mount-point
Note: If the directory for the mount point does not exist, the beadm utility creates the directory, then mounts the boot environment on that directory.
If the boot environment is already mounted, the beadm mount command fails and does not remount the boot environment at the newly specified location.
4. (Optional) Activate the boot environment.
# beadm activate BeName
BeName is a variable for the name of the boot environment to be activated.
On reboot, the newly active boot environment is displayed as the default selection in the x86 GRUB menu or the SPARC boot menu.

Question 7
Review the boot environment information displayed on your system:
1Z0-821 dumps exhibit
Which two options accurately describe the newBE boot environment?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BC
Reference analysis:

If the boot environment is unbootable, it is marked with an exclamation point (!) in the
Active column in the beadm list output.
The beadm command restricts actions on unbootable boot environments as follows: You cannot activate an unbootable boot environment. (B)
You cannot destroy a boot environment that is both unbootable and marked as active on reboot.
You cannot create a snapshot of an unbootable boot environment.
You cannot use an unbootable boot environment or boot environment snapshot with the -e option of beadm create.
You cannot rename an unbootable boot environment. (C)

Question 8
The global zone has 8 CPUS. YOU suspect that one of your non global /ones, dbzone, is consuming all of the CPU resources.
Which command would you use to view the CPU utilization for all of the zones to confirm this?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

If you're logged on to the system, you can run prstat -Z to generate a summary of cpu/memory utilization by zone.

Question 9
Which two capabilities are provided by the OpenBoot PROM?
My answer: -
Reference answer: BC
Reference analysis:

OpenBoot firmware is executed immediately after you turn on your system. The primary tasks of OpenBoot firmware are to:
* Test and initialize the system hardware (B)
* Determine the hardware configuration
*Boot the operating system from either a mass storage device or from a network (C)
*Provide interactive debugging facilities for testing hardware and software

Question 10
Select two statements that correctly describe the capabilities of the Distribution Constructor.
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:

A: You can use the distribution constructor to create the following types of Oracle Solaris images:
* (A) x86 or SPARC ISO Image for Automated Installations
* Oracle Solaris x86 live CD image
* x86 or SPARC Oracle Solaris text installer image
* x86 Oracle Solaris Virtual Machine
Note: You can use the distribution constructor to build custom Oracle Solaris images. Then, you can use the images to install the Oracle Solaris software on individual systems or multiple systems. You can, also, use the distribution constructor to create Virtual Machine (VM) images that run the Oracle Solaris operating system.
D: Checkpointing Options
You can use the options provided in the distro_const command to stop and restart the build process at various stages in the image-generation process, in order to check and debug the image that is being built. This process of stopping and restarting during the build process is called checkpointing.

Question 11
dbzone is currently running on your server.
Which two methods would you use to safely and cleanly shut down dbzone and all of its applications?
My answer: -
Reference answer: DE
Reference analysis:

D: zoneadm halt command halts the specified zones. halt bypasses running the shutdown
scripts inside the zone. It also removes run time resources of the zone.
E: Use: zlogin zone shutdown
to cleanly shutdown the zone by running the shutdown scripts.
Use this procedure to cleanly shut down a zone.
1. Become superuser, or assume the Primary Administrator role.
2. Log in to the zone to be shut down, for example, my-zone, and specify shutdown as the name of the utility and init 0 as the state global# zlogin my-zone shutdown -y -g0 -i 0

Question 12
Which two are user definable OpenBoot parameters that can be set in the OpenBoot PROM?
My answer: -
Reference answer: DE
Reference analysis:

The NVRAM chip stores user-definable system parameters, also referred to as NVRAM variables or EEPROM parameters. The parameters allow administrators to control
variables such as the default boot device and boot command. The NVRAM also contains writeable areas for user-controlled diagnostics, macros, and device aliases. NVRAM is where the system identification information is stored, such as the host ID, Ethernet address, and time-of-day (TOD) clock.
Examples of NVRAM variables:
Variable Default Description boot-device disk or net The device from which to start up.
diag-device net The diagnostic startup source device.
diag-file Empty string Arguments passed to the startup program in diagnostic mode. diag-switch? false Whether to run in diagnostic mode

Question 13
Which three of the components could be used in a ZFS storage pool, but are not recommended configurations?
My answer: -
Reference answer: ABE
Reference analysis:

A: ZFS also allows you to use UFS files as virtual devices in your storage pool. This feature is aimed primarily at testing and enabling simple experimentation, not for production use. The reason is that any use of files relies on the underlying file system for consistency. If you create a ZFS pool backed by files on a UFS file system, then you are implicitly relying on UFS to guarantee correctness and synchronous semantics.
However, files can be quite useful when you are first trying out ZFS or experimenting with more complicated layouts when not enough physical devices are present. All files must be specified as complete paths and must be at least 64 Mbytes in size.
B, E: You can construct logical devices for ZFS using volumes presented by software-
based volume managers, such as Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) or Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM). However, these configurations are not recommended. While ZFS functions properly on such devices, less-than-optimal performance might be the result.

Question 14
You need to update an OS image on a client. The pkg publishers command displays the wrong publisher with the wrong update:
Solaris origin onlinehttp://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release
The update is available on the updated publisher: PUBLISHERTYPESTATUSURI
Solaris originonlinehttp://sysA.example.com
Select the option that describes the procedure used to update the OS image on the system from the updated publisher.
My answer: -
Reference answer: C
Reference analysis:

You can use the pkg set-publisher command to change a publisher URI. Changing a Publisher Origin URI
To change the origin URI for a publisher, add the new URI and remove the old URI. Use the -g option to add a new origin URI. Use the -G option to remove the old origin URI.
# pkg set-publisher -g http://pkg.example.com/support \
-G http://pkg.example.com/release example.com
Note: You can use either the install or update subcommand to update a package.
The install subcommand installs the package if the package is not already installed in the image. If you want to be sure to update only packages that are already installed, and not install any new packages, then use the update subcommand.

Question 15
When speaking to an Oracle Support Engineer, you are asked to verify the version of the Solaris 11 build currently running on your system.
Which command would display the Solaris 11 build version currently running on your system?
My answer: -
Reference answer: B
Reference analysis:

Which Solaris release you are running on your system can be determined using the following command:
cat /etc/release
This will tell you which release you are running and when it was released. The more recent your system, the more info is contained in this file.
# cat /etc/release
Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10s_u10wos_17b SPARC
Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Assembled 23 August 2011

Question 16
You are attempting to edit your crontab file in the bash shell. Instead of getting your usual vi interface, you are presented with an unfamiliar interface. In order to have your editor of choice-vi- what command must you type after exiting the unfamiliar editor?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:

Set the EDITOR variable to vi.
Commands like `crontab -e` will use ed per default. If you'd like to use some better editor (like vi) you can use the environment variable EDITOR:
# EDITOR=vi; crontab –e will open the users crontab in vi. Of course you can set this variable permanently.
Incorrect answers
C: -e Edits a copy of the current user's crontab file, or creates an empty file to edit if crontab does not exist. When editing is complete, the file is installed as the user's crontab file. If a username is given, the specified user's crontab file is edited, rather than the current user's crontab file; this can only be done by a user with the solaris.jobs.admin authorization. The environment variable EDITOR determines which editor is invoked with the -e option. The default editor is ed(1). All crontab jobs should be submitted using crontab. Do not add jobs by just editing the crontab file, because cron is not aware of changes made this way.

Question 17
Your SPARC server will not boot into multi user-server milestones and you need to troubleshoot to out why. You need to start the server with minimal services running so that you can go through each milestone manually to troubleshoot the issue.
Select the option that boots the server with the fewest services running.
My answer: -
Reference answer: D
Reference analysis:

The command boot -m milestone=none is useful in repairing a system that have problems booting early.
Boot Troubleshooting:
To step through the SMF portion of the boot process, start with: boot -m milestone=none
Then step through the milestones for the different boot levels: svcadm milestone svc:/milestone/single-user:default
svcadm milestone svc:/milestone/multi-user:default svcadm milestone svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default

Question 18
Which two options accurately describe the network characteristics of a zone?
My answer: -
Reference answer: AB
Reference analysis:

A: Non-global zones can not utilize DHCP (neither client nor server).
B (not C): By default, non-global zones will be configured with a shared IP functionality. What this means is that IP layer configuration and state is shared between the zone you’re creating and the global zone. This usually implies both zones being on the same IP subnet for each given NIC.
Note: A zone is a virtual operating system abstraction that provides a protected environment in which applications run. The applications are protected from each other to provide software fault isolation. To ease the labor of managing multiple applications and their environments, they co-exist within one operating system instance, and are usually managed as one entity.
The original operating environment, before any zones are created, is also called the "global zone" to distinguish it from non-global zones, The global zone is the operating system instance.
Incorrect Answer
E: Exclusive-IP zones can use IPMP. IPMP is configured the same way in an exclusive-IP zone as it is on a system not using zones.
For shared-IP zones, IPMP can be configured in the global zone. F: Full IP-level functionality is available in an exclusive-IP zone. An exclusive-IP zone has its own IP-related state.
An exclusive-IP zone is assigned its own set of data-links using the zonecfg command. The zone is given a data-link name such as xge0, e1000g1, or bge32001, using the physical property of the net resource. The address property of the net resource is not set.
Note that the assigned data-link enables the snoop command to be used.
The dladm command can be used with the show-linkprop subcommand to show the assignment of data-links to running exclusive-IP zones.

Question 19
ServerA contains two ISO images of a package repository named so1.repo.iso-a and so1.repo.iso-b respectively. You need to create a single local package repository on server that clients can connect to. The package repository will be stored on the /export/IPS file system and named repo. The preferred publisher will be named solaris and the publisher URL will be http://serverA.example.com.
Which is the correct procedure to perform on ServerA to create the local Package repository?
My answer: -
Reference answer: A
Reference analysis:


Question 20
Which two options describe how to override the default boot behavior of an Oracle Solaris 11 SPARC system to boot the system to the single-user milestone?
My answer: -
Reference answer: AD
Reference analysis:

By default, Solaris will boot to the pseudo milestone “all” and start all services. This behaviour can be changed at boot time using either “-s” to reach single-user, or the new SMF option “-m milestone=XXX” (see kernel(1M) for a list of the bootable milestones) to select an explicit milestone.
Note: boot -s is the same as: boot -m milestone=single-user
with the difference being that the former is a lot less to type and is what most SysAdmins will be familiar with.

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